Howard Taylor
A man who had his 15 minutes of fame. Someone who has Cancer, and fights not only cancer but the system...
Super Trundle 4
Super Trundle 3
Super Trundle 2
Super Trundle 1
Guido's Night
Some pictures shot badly on Guido's night...
Lone Ranger 3
Lone Ranger 2
Lone Ranger
Lucky Penguins
Well this has been a long time coming but I have a confession to make and to some it may be a bit of a shock but I have known since I was a small child, this hidden fact. I knew since I went to the ‘Thirties Exhibition’ at the Hayward Gallery when I was about 14.
Last Post 4?
Some pictures before lockdown hopefully not the last! All pictures taken with a proper camera with no enhancement...
Last Post 3
Some pictures before lockdown