Howard Taylor

Howard Taylor

A man who had his 15 minutes of fame. Someone who has Cancer, and fights not only cancer but the system...

195 posts
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Oct 29, 2020

A Matter of Life and Death

A Matter of Life and Death

I am a secret romantic at heart, but keep that fact to yourselves. One of my favourite films is a film set in the Second World War called A Matter of Life and Death

Oct 27, 2020



Hope I spelt that right... Early tuesday morning trundle

Oct 26, 2020

A Knave and an Earl

A Knave and an Earl

Recently it was the anniversary of the Charge of the Light Brigade. The incidents outcome still reverberates in military circles. I even think it is discussed in the military history training that officers are taught at Sandhurst. My family have no connection with that battle.

Oct 20, 2020



I am not a film critic by any stretch of the imagination, but today, feeling a bit distracted, I watched a film that always entertains no matter how many times I watch it.

Oct 7, 2020



Autumn always make me wistful. I heard, or read, that John Lennon would have been eighty years old, and that Janis Joplin killed herself fifty years ago. So sad.

Oct 5, 2020

Dragons Tales

Dragons Tales

I have never really thought about pain. You don't. But to some people it is ingrained, built into their lives and any release even momentarily is bliss.