Howard Taylor

Howard Taylor

A man who had his 15 minutes of fame. Someone who has Cancer, and fights not only cancer but the system...

195 posts
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Aug 25, 2020

Launch of Cadmus

Launch of Cadmus

Here are some old pictures from the 18th of May 2003 of Cadmus being launched! Some old friends in these pictures are sadly no longer with us, ave atque vale!

Aug 19, 2020

Let's talk about concrete

Let's talk about concrete

Let's talk about Concrete, a much maligned and misunderstood medium. It was invented by the Romans it is said. I like concrete, it's a medium that if used properly by architects can be a thing of beauty.

Jun 11, 2020



Okay this one might be very controversial but I think what happened in Bristol was a good thing.

May 16, 2020



Some Mirrorball pictures taken before my lockdown. Something different....

May 12, 2020

The Miles Aircraft M.52

The Miles Aircraft M.52

Sometimes you read about something that makes you ask the question why? One of those things that gets my 'noggin joggin' is why do some projects or plans fail?

Feb 24, 2019



Well today I got called a 'Polygeek' sounds good. I think? Recently I have been reading a book called The Silicon Eye written by George Gilder