
Rev. Kim Fabricius

the internet gets to you.

Well at least it gets to you occasionally.

The internet is a fickle thing and the other day news recieved hit me. Wallop. For quite some time, years in fact, I had not looked at a blog ran by an old aquaintance. Richard, a Methodist Minister had ran his blog for an epic eighteen years. I found out that Richards's blogging days were over. A good thing had come to an end. Then through Richard's blog farewell I found that a chaplain at my old University had died. I was saddened to hear of his demise. Kim Fabricius was an interesting bloke and had written a few books about religion. He was an American who chose to spend his life living in South Wales. He was well liked and appreciated by many. His death was sudden and although we had not spoken for many many years his death was something that saddened me. Kim Fabricius was a good man. I wish I had found out about his death sooner...