Round and round the Maypole...

Photo by Elliott Stallion / Unsplash

I cannot wait for the warmer days to make trundling more enjoyable? I have noticed that the town is busy because it is half-term, and the lucky kids will spend their half-term here. Likewise, I remember my holidays here with much fondness, spending many hours digging holes that would make an Elizabeth Line tunneller proud. On Millbay, my construction grew ever more heroic. In the end, parents had to intervene. Happy days.

I noticed, once again, that the construction in Salcombe has followed my model. Digging deeper and deeper. I wrote a while ago about Salcombe and its building projects. I expected it all to reach a hiatus, an end. A fool and their money are easily parted?

So, after the half-term hiatus things will go back to sleep mode, we will wait for Easter, and then bang, it will start all over again. Another Salcombe year starts, and the film set will become alive with the lifeblood that is tourism. Long may it continue.

I also notice that local election time is upon us, and you better not forget your photo ID. Strange that we have had elections for many years without having to prove our identity with a photo. The cynic in me makes me think it is to make it more difficult for us members of the proletariat to vote. The vanity struck will be mortified if they have to give a picture that does not show their good side? I look forward to May, when all the shenanigans that encapsulate our electoral system ends for a while. Interesting that your vote becomes so important. Some of those who seek election appear like a jack-in-the-box, shouting for our vote, until someone closes the lid. Priming the box for the next time.

Voting, is however, a critical thing to do, people fought for our right to vote, and I have little sympathy for those who moan about our politicians, but fail to vote. The problem is: Do you vote with your heart, or do you vote tactically? Sadly, down here, voting tactically is critical. I cannot bring myself to do it though. Sorry.

So, as we go round and round the May election May Pole, of course, not forgetting our photo ID, we should vote because every vote counts…