Taciturn networking...

Photo by NeONBRAND / Unsplash

Dialling up a response...


Am I taciturn, well hell no, my blog is testament to all that. Autumn is well and truly here. Said that before, milking the idea for all its worth. Am I bored, well possibly not, boredom is a state of mind. One that I very rarely suffer from. All other states of mind are prevalent in abundance.

Well everything is very much in abundance here in Chelsea on Sea, the maskless march on and those of us who have to shield are cast asunder, like the leaves that are also abundantly falling from the trees.

Even more building projects are starting, although to be fair almost all these projects have had a very long gestation period.

It will be very interesting to see how our digital infrastructure copes with ever increasing visitor numbers, and residential properties growing in number every year? It was noticed that our 4G network struggled at times to deal with the amount of visitors, many visitors and residents, felt that there is very much room for improvement?

At the moment our broadband speeds are very much dependent on where you are. We still have rather large not spots all over our area and I would argue that this has to improve as soon as possible. People 'demand' high speed connectivity, and sometimes that 'demand' is not met. Businesses may eventually suffer if improvements are not made. There are solutions to these problems, but we must grasp the nettle. Now.